Donation of clothes makes sense
We collect, sort and recycle textiles. With us, everything comes from one source. We are also a member of the professional association “FTR” and the FEDERAL ASSOCIATION OF SECONDARY RAW MATERIALS AND DISPOSAL “(bvse), by which we are regularly controlled. Our collection containers are always of high quality and comply with the latest safety standards and have the corresponding certificates. We are not interested in vintage, outdated container design and offer our customers innovative, individual designs.

The Recycling Process
After the textiles have been sorted in our warehouses by our employees according to various criteria, the shoes and clothing are pressed together into 55 kilogram bales, packed and exported. We mainly supply major customers in Asia and Africa, but also European countries such as the Netherlands Spain. Our customers have their own customer network in their own country.
Yara-Tex processes 200 tonnes of textiles and shoes per month. All the materials, we can no longer recycle are turned into cleaning rags at other textile recycling companies. insulating materials or automatic machines. So everything is recycled professionally.
What’s the next step?
Apart from the economic aspect, the textile and shoe processing is an important service in the interest of the environment. We also contribute to the conservation of our valuable resources and to the reduction of environmental pollution. Carefully sorted clothing is divided into quality grades and marketed all over the world.
When it comes to Re-use abroad, there is no comparison between us and the local economy.On the contrary, re-use provides both complementary and cost-effective access to high-quality textile products. A large part of the world population uses second-hand goods. It would be very difficult to meet such a demand from primary raw materials.

Contact us now!
+49 5924-2994162
Yara-Tex Worldwide GmbH
Kopenhagener Strasse 24 | 48455 Bad Bentheim | fax : +49 5924-2994163 | E-Mail :